Rebecca did a thing with links to some of Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts comics. "Three cool old guys" (as they want to be known) loved going through the comics and they picked the one that's up here now.
They chose it because they say Condi Rice has blood on her hands and while they used to long to see a brother or a sister in position of power, she wasn't what they had in mind.
This may not seem like much to you but it does to them. They are pre-civil rights. They lived through it all. They lived through segregation, through the civil rights movement, and the things they've seen are pretty incredible.
But they say it is an affront to MLK and his memory that someone like her hasn't been fired. They think she's as bad as gangsta-thug shooting up things in drive bys if not worse. The minute she took a job with the administration, they feel, her focus should have been on representing the ones who laid down so much that she could get to where she is. Instead they think she's become the white man's puppet and embarrassed herself and her race.
They are so offended by her. I'm offended and embarrassed by her but it's one thing to hear and read about all the work that took to get us this far. It's another thing to have lived through all those struggles.
The worst thing is that we have struggles ahead of us still because we haven't achieved equality and someone like Condi is no help to us. She'll remember her skin color when she's getting an award for "black achievement" but she'll never do a thing to help us. She's the token who's happy being the token.
That doesn't surprise me. But it didn't bother me anymore than Donald Rumsfeld did. Talking to them tonight I realized how severe a disappointment to her race Condi Rice is.